Online ED Recovery Support Group!!

Hi Everyone!!!
So I have received a lot of interest in starting an online Eating Disorder Recovery support group! I needed to wait until the beginning of the year to look into this because well.....the holidays! Now that the holidays are over and I have some time on my hands I want to follow through with my desire to start an online support group for us struggling with eating disorders and going through recovery!
I will also be starting a local support group here in the Cleveland, Ohio area in the fall, possibly sooner! It oddly takes a good amount of planning, but it's happening! When I moved to Cleveland from DC I honestly couldn't believe the lack of resources here as well as support groups. I have thought and prayed about it a lot over the past year or so and I feel lead to start one myself! I'm very excited about this!!
Having a support group was and is SO crucial to my recovery. People with eating disorders understand people with eating disorders. It helps us to feel less alone and also helps us to keep going in recovery with the support and accountability from others! God doesn't want us to go through things alone and since we live in 2021 we have the privilege of technology to connect us all around the world, so no excuses! Let's do this and support each other!
Below is a link to a short questionnaire. If you are interested in joining the ONLINE support group please click on the link below and fill it out! It should only take a few minutes!
Click HERE to fill out the questionnaire!
After I get enough feedback I will email those interested in the support group and we will get started!! Oh, and just so you know, this support group is open to ALL people all around the world! I'm SO looking forward to connecting with you and walking through recovery together!!
p.s. I have a very full inbox of messages and I promise I will be responding this week!! Thank you for your patience!!